Virginia Nurse Practitioner Collaborative Agreement

Northam has relaxed some testing requirements for nurses waiting during the pandemic. In March, he waived certain admission requirements that allowed nurses to practice temporarily pending their review by the board of directors or receiving their results. A. Contact the Nursing Council at 804-367-4515 or visit their website at I. A copy of this certificate is presented to the Chambers with a fee fixed by the Chambers. Upon receipt of such a certificate and proof that a nurse meets the requirements of this subdivision, the committees shall issue to the nurse a new licence containing a designation indicating that she has the right to practise without a practice agreement. In the event that a nurse is unable to obtain the certificate required under this Subsection, the Chambers may accept further evidence that the applicant has complied with the requirements of this Subsection in accordance with the regulations issued by the Chambers. C. Any nurse who is not a registered nurse by the medical and nursing boards as a certified midwife of a registered nurse anaesthetist or nurse who meets the requirements of Subdivision I must maintain appropriate cooperation and consultation, as demonstrated by a written or electronic practice agreement, with at least one patient from the Patient Care Teams.

A nurse who meets the requirements of Subdivision I may practise without a written or electronic practice agreement. A registered nurse as a midwife certified by the medical and nursing boards must practise in accordance with Subdivision H. A nurse who is a certified registered nurse anesthetist must practice under the supervision of a licensed physician, osteopath, podiatrist or dentistry. A nurse appointed coroner under § 32.1-282 practices in cooperation with a licensed physician or osteopath who has been appointed coroner in accordance with § 32.1-282. Cooperation and consultation between nurses and physicians on the patient care team may be done by telemedicine as described in § 38.2-3418.16. F. Pending the outcome of the next national specialty examination, boards may jointly grant temporary admission to nurses. A PA may prescribe drugs, devices and controlled substances if approved by a practice agreement and under the supervision of a physician.

Goes. Code §54.1-2952.1 H. Nurses licensed by medical and nursing boards in the category of certified nurse-midwife practice in consultation with a licensed physician in accordance with a practice agreement between the nurse and the licensed physician. Such a practice agreement regulates the physician`s availability for routine and urgent patient care consultations. Proof of an exercise agreement must be kept by a nurse and made available to the Chambers upon request […].