Pronoun Antecedent Agreement Handout

In this example, the jury acts as a unit; therefore, the pronoun of the speaker is singular. Worksheet 1 explains what constitutes the correspondence of a pronoun with its precursor, some common problems, and ways to correct pronoun precursor errors. It contains 8 exercises. Worksheet 2 contains 18 exercises. Here are nine pronoun precursor agreement rules. These rules refer to the rules found in the subject-verb correspondence. The pronoun his refers to President Lincoln. President Lincoln is the ANTECED of the pronoun his. Some pronouns in English are always in the singular, although they are often used with plural intentions. Marbles pronouns are countable; therefore, the sentence has a plural speaker pronoun.

We don`t talk or write like that. We automatically replace Lincoln`s name with a pronoun. More naturally, let`s say, what`s the problem? The word “you” is a pronoun in the possessive; it describes the word “lunch box”, but it refers to the word “camper” (the precursor). In this case, the pronoun is “their” plural (more than one) and numerically does not correspond to its predecessor “Camper”, which is singular. It`s time to choose the right pronoun for a sentence! A short page with many good examples and explanations. Discuss correspondence in numbers, person, and gender. Lists of problematic singular pronouns are missing. Note: Example #1, with the plural precursor closer to the pronoun, produces a smoother sentence than example #2 that forces the use of the singular “her or her”.

People use the word “you” to refer to a singular precursor as an attempt to avoid the obviously sexist (but grammatically correct) form of “he” or “she.” Many authors use the form “he or she”, but this approach puts a strain on the sentence. A word can refer to an earlier noun or pronoun in the sentence. These two solutions should work in many cases where we do not have a match of a pronoun with its predecessor. Example #2 (singular precursor closer to the pronoun): For example, we would not write: “After the storm, everyone got to know their neighbors better”, but a correct form (without the possessive pronoun): “After the storm, everyone got to know the neighbors better”. I would be far from honest if I didn`t mention the controversy over the use of “them,” “theirs,” and other constructs to refer to singular pronouns. Gabe Doyle, a linguistics student at the University of California, San Diego, makes a compelling case for using “she” and “she” in the singular. Look. Rule: A singular pronoun must replace a singular noun; a plural pronoun must replace a plural noun. A common mistake in standardized written or spoken English is the misuse of a pronoun when it refers to another noun or pronoun in the same sentence. In everyday language, the following sentence may seem perfectly acceptable, but look carefully; This is not the case. Pronouns call for small words. To be correct, they must match the noun or pronoun they refer to, which is called a precursor.

A pronoun must correspond in number (he vs them), gender (she, he or she) and person (me, you, her, her). That`s a lot for a young writer to remember. The following worksheets are designed to help this teen meet the requirements of these little pronouns. You can view or download each of them by clicking on the title. They are free for use at home or in class. This is one of the best sites to explain pronoun-precursor matching problems. The examples are clear; The explanations are visual, with boxes and arrows. Lists are provided.

The site also has hot links for “precursors” and “indefinite pronouns.” Start here. Rewrite each sentence so that each pronoun matches the precursor. It`s a fun match game about pronouns – prior agreement! Solution: Campers must bring their lunch box to the bus. 3. Composite subjects related by a plural speaker and always adopting a plural speaker. To get good grades (notes) in written compositions and be perceived as a competent, if not competent, writer at work, you need to adhere to the rules of standard written English and the conventions of proper punctuation. The worksheets with their exercises are prescriptivist. But please note that the topic discussed here is not black and white. 6.

Titles of sole proprietorships. (books, organizations, countries, etc.) Take a singular speaker. . Faculty members are available during laboratory hours. More information can be found on the Writing Lab website. EITHER SINGULAR OR PLURAL: some, all, none, all, most. He rightly argues that it has been used since Chaucer, that it is accepted by authority, and that good writers use it. Everything is true. He makes an excellent point.

English composition teachers, and I am one of them, tend to be conservative in the use of the language. We owe it to our students. And while I can call myself a “descriptivist” (the accuracy of language is determined by the common use of language), I owe it to students to help them function in a largely prescriptivist world (the accuracy of language is dictated by authority). 7. Plural form Subjects with a singular meaning take a singular speaker. (News, measles, mumps, physics, etc.) Welcome, students, and remember: A skill is not a magic skill. By this we mean that it can be learned; You don`t have to be born “good to” read or write. Like any other skill, reading and writing skills improve by learning the step-by-step process to do both, and through practice. .