Music Video Licensing Agreement

Music license agreements are used to license the use of previously created songs or song recordings. Get your music license agreements here. We also assume that the songwriter manages his own compositions and is not represented or affiliated with a music publisher (such as the Harry Fox agency). As mentioned in all the material below, it is possible that another entity owns one or more of the copyrights involved in a music licensing business, and in this case, you need to make sure that the right entities are involved. You can still use the information in this kit to guide you, but you may need to use a specific agreement provided by the music publisher, record company, etc. In the real world, many young songwriters act as their own publisher. Often, this is done simply by using the songwriter`s name or a variation of it, such as “Chris Dudley Music” or “Sage Harrington Songwriter” An advantage of being your own music publisher is that you keep 100% of the money you earn from your songs instead of sharing it with an editor (the typical split is 50-50). Okay, now let`s talk about giving/receiving permission. Legally, the authorization is called a license. The terms are practically interchangeable in their meaning, but when we talk about the actual legal agreement, we use the term “license”.

Instead of an “authorization agreement,” we use the term “license agreement,” or “license” for short. Below we offer a simple combined master`s and sync license that covers the use of a song in a movie, webcast, or other audiovisual work. It can be used either by the filmmaker or by the musician. The sections you need to fill in are marked with green text. Or click here for a version of Word in .docx more editable format. It follows that as a videographer/filmmaker or musician, it is important to understand how to obtain or lend the necessary rights to a piece of music so that everyone is on the same page as how the music is used, what fees are paid (if any) and other important terms. Knowing the basics of music licensing is important to avoid conflicts – or worse, allegations of violations or other legal issues – that are particularly painful to deal with after making a film. (1) This Agreement may, at the option of either party, be terminated by written notice to the other party if the other party is in default in compliance with or proper performance of any material agreement, condition or arrangement and such non-performance continues for a period of thirty (30) days after written notice so indicates. 2. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement, Multimedia Intellectual Property Co. will remove the VIDEO from the PRODUCT as soon as commercially possible.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, Multimedia Intellectual Property Co. has the right to execute existing orders and sell existing copies of the PRODUCT containing the VIDEO in stock at that time, provided that the sales period cannot exceed six (6) months from the date of termination. The ARTIST has the right to verify the existence and validity of existing orders and existing copies of the PRODUCT in stock at that time, after reasonable notice to Multimedia Intellectual Property Co. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Multimedia Intellectual Property Co. has the right to delete and/or replace the VIDEO with other videos and to continue reproduction. Distribution and sale of the PRODUCT without the VIDEO. Once you`ve found the perfect song or musician for your production and received the green light from the artist or copyright owner, you`ll need to create a music license agreement. If you`re a musician who is lucky enough to sell the rights to your melody – whether you`re being courted by a music company, a TV producer or an advertiser – a well-written music licensing agreement guarantees you a good cut. With respect to music recordings, there are two copyrights: By licensing footage from Axiom Images, Licensee expressly acknowledges and agrees to comply with the terms of this Agreement and acknowledges that all information provided to Axiom Images is true and accurate.

Before we walk you through the terms of our agreement template, let`s take a quick look at some of the essential basic information you should know about music and copyright. The filmmaker may not make any changes to the original texts, if any, or to the basic character of the music of the compositions without the prior written permission of the licensor. Note that the following agreement can be used if the same entity (a person, group, or company) owns both the song and the recording that will be included in the movie. If a record company owns the recordings, the filmmaker must enter into a separate master use agreement with that company. In the real world, musician friends often help each other with recording, and ownership of master recordings is often not discussed. If recordings are mostly used as demos, this is probably not a big problem. If the recordings are used on a CD you sell at shows, or by downloading from Bandcamp, there is a chance that the band has paid their sound technician friend who made the recording (cash, beer, etc.), and the sound technician`s friend doesn`t expect another payment or a reduction in CD sales. For many local groups, this is probably quite safe. Performers are generally considered to be “authors” of recordings of their performances, which means that they are equal co-owners. If the contributions of a producer or engineer are large enough to be considered works of the author, they can be considered co-owners. In legal jargon, the producer`s contribution must contain a “substantial” amount of original author – effects. B, beats, editing, overdubs, etc.

– to support a claim of ownership by the producer. If the producer or sound engineer simply sets up microphones and recording levels, they are generally not considered the author/owner of the finished recording. In this case, if there is no written agreement, the performers are generally considered equal co-owners of the recording. (See tip below.) With all the knowledge under your belt, using the agreement template to license a piece of music will be a breeze – but only in the event that each paragraph of the agreement is explained in detail. We assume you`re either a filmmaker or a songwriter. The agreement template we provide in this kit is suitable for both parties and is not aligned with the interests of the filmmaker or songwriter. 1. Successor/Assignee.

This Agreement is binding and benefits the parties` respective successors and/or assigns. 2. Integration. This Agreement sets forth the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and may only be modified or supplemented by a written agreement signed by the parties. 3. Applicable law; Forum. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of any State applicable to the agreements concluded therein and which are to be fully implemented therein. Any dispute arising out of this Agreement, when heard, shall be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction in Anycounty County, Anystate State. .