This new edition remains the indispensable guide to all major financial provisions on divorce and contains extracts from the authorities on the subject with examples of how they work in practice. Using ProView means you can connect and interact with the content you rely on in new ways, wherever and whenever you want. Learn more about ProView. . Buy this title as an eBook to start reading today: Also available as an eBook on Thomson Reuters ProView™ Thomson Reuters ProView is the iPad™ app designed specifically for lawyers like you. . Written for lawyers, by lawyers Financial Provision on Divorce is a practical and practical text, easy to use and contains references to relevant quotes from the main authorities associated with the relevant jurisprudence. This text deals with any new legislation in this area and addresses the increasingly important issue of pension sharing. With everything you need to advise clients in one place, this title is extremely useful and saves valuable time for detailed research. The Financial Rules on Divorce and Dissolution of Civil Partnerships are a practical and practical text, easy to use and containing references to relevant citations from the main authorities related to the relevant case law.